July 2019: Sulitest at the High Level Political Forum

Raising & Mapping Awareness of the Global Goals is Sulitest's third annual report presented at the United Nations High Level Political Forum.
The report highlights the various tools currently available from Sulitest as well as research and initiatives that are under development or are planned for the future (Phases 1, 2 and 3). It also summarizes the overall trends and indicators of awareness around the 17 SDGs over the past year through the results obtained with the International Module.
In total, more than 120,000 people from 780 universities and organizations in 68 countries have already taken the Test since the pilot phase that began in 2013. Although the Sulitest data samples are not statistically representative of the world's population, this growing database comes from a unique opportunity to collect information from tangible indicators on awareness around sustainable development associated with the SDGs and gives some predictions on the potential of this tool to monitor sustainability education internationally.
This contribution to the 2030 Agenda and the UN High Level Political Forum is to support the advancement of the 2030 Agenda and to inform learning and educational initiatives to raise awareness around the SDGs for HESI as well as other educational efforts.
The full report is available on our resources page.