TASK™ for students
TASK™ – The Assessment of Sustainability Knowledge – allows you to measure what you know about sustainability, providing you a certificate and guidance for your future learning!

Get ready for TASK™
How it works
Earth Systems, Human Welfare & Levers of Opportunity
multiple-choice questions
about key concepts, trends, causes and impacts
minutes to complete it
+ 5 minutes break in the middle
Prepare for the Assessment
To prepare for the assessment, we offer your institution the resources like the “Intro2TASK™”, a compilation of videos and other materials introducing you to the subjects covered by the assessment, and other pedagogical material.
Moreover, different sustainability courses you have in your school progressively build your knowledge on the area too.
Contact your professor to learn more about what resources you have available to you.
"I want to take TASK™"
If you’re an individual and your university is not using TASK™ , sign up for our waiting list.