TASK™, the international certificate on sustainability knowledge.
March 2022: The Sulitest Movement changes scale and raises 1.5 million euros
The Sulitest Movement
Because the world urgently needs a paradigm shift towards sustainability, the Sulitest movement was launched in 2014 to enable higher education institutions, companies and organizations to train change agents via online tools dedicated to building a sustainable world. Building on the success of its test to raise awareness and map sustainable development, the Sulitest association is now operating a real change of scale with the creation of the Société par Actions Simplifiée (SAS) de l'Économie Sociale et Solidaire Sulitest Impact, and a substantial fundraising of 1.5 million euros to develop the movement and unleash its potential.
1 movement, 2 vehicles
Sulitest will thus be able to launch the first international certificate setting the standard for the generalization of knowledge in sustainable development. The international Sulitest movement has been supporting higher education institutions, companies and organizations for 8 years now in teaching the challenges of ecological transition in order to build a sustainable world. Its flagship product, the Sulitest test, is now recognized and has already been taken by more than 230,000 people worldwide. Faced with the environmental issues and complex challenges of the 21st century, one of the major missions of education is to empower citizens so that they are able to initiate change, make informed decisions, and collectively build a sustainable future. Accelerating the movement In 2021, the Sulitest association and its two co-founders created SAS Sulitest Impact, a social and solidarity economy company whose mission is to massively increase the impact of the Sulitest movement.
Massive support
In January 2022, six French public and private higher education institutions (CY University, Essec, EM Normandie, Excelia, Kedge Business School, Université de Paris Saclay) and several Business Angels committed to Sulitest's first investment campaign, which raised 1.5 million euros.
"From the very beginning of this project, we have been fortunate to be supported by a large community of higher education institutions. Kedge Business School and its business nursery have been with us since the beginning, but also other academic and corporate partners who have enabled Sulitest to offer the tools it does today. With the entry of these 6 academic partners into the capital, a new story is being written " says Jean-Christophe CARTERON, President of Sulitest Impact. The new SAS is in charge of the design, publishing, development and management of all the tools, and the deployment of the commercial activity. It plays a role of support to the animation of user communities and hosts all the content (association and SAS).
Finally, it develops R&D on the impact of the use of Sulitest tools on both individuals and organizations. The association, shareholder of the SAS, is the guarantor of meaning. Its role includes advocacy, reporting and representation at the UN, and the animation of communities of contributors for the tools of the common good. It will eventually have a role in capacity building, supporting education for sustainable development and research. "We are extremely grateful to these organizations for coming together to support the development of online tools for the commons. Together with the Sulitest ecosystem, they will help develop a certificate that will allow any institution, academic or corporate, public or private, small or large, to assess and demonstrate how it integrates sustainability knowledge and set an ambitious standard," explains Aurélien DECAMPS, CEO of Sulitest Impact. Strengthening its impact with the first international online knowledge certificate on sustainable development, a lever for systemic change. Sulitest decided to strengthen its impact by setting the standard for universities and organizations.
Sustainability, a common language for all
During 2022, it will launch the first accessible, easy-to-implement, reliable and globally comparable online certificate of sustainability knowledge. This standard will act as a lever to ensure that understanding sustainable development is not a luxury reserved for students enrolled in dedicated courses or activists involved in certain causes, but the common language of all students, regardless of their training. It will be recognized for their employability and career development.
This system will also allow users to easily extract data and produce indicators and evidence, which can be used to measure, monitor and drive the diffusion of this common language, but also for rankings, accreditations, recruitment, etc.
"Our goal is to multiply our impact on the understanding of sustainable development by massively deploying the awareness test, aiming at 1 million tests per year worldwide and reaching the objective of 500,000 certificates delivered in five years. Behind these figures, what motivates us to develop this project is the considerable impact that people can create when they take ownership of sustainable development, " enthuse the two founders.
Bringing the power of collaboration to bear on a sustainable future. Sulitest develops tools in community for the community. Everyone is invited to be part of this movement and to use the current tools - the awareness test, the Quiz and the Looping - and the future certificate to finally make sustainable development the new mainstream.