May 2018: Sulitest's First General Assembly

Today Sulitest will hold its first General Assembly at Kedge Business School in Marseille during the week for Sustainable Development!
This meeting is an opportunity for all Sulitest stakeholders to meet, collaborate and share their experience. We will study the Sulitest Business Model to know where we are and where we want to go, building the next big steps with all the people who participated in this initiative.
We will also take the opportunity to present new features such as the "Quiz" and the development of the content of our next Collaborative Platform.
But what is the Week for Sustainable Development?
These are networks and initiatives around the world, with representation at different levels - from local student associations, to regional interest groups, to international partnerships, to UN-wide initiatives - that meet regularly to explore and develop personal, collective, and systemic changes to our responsibility around global impacts until May 18.
To learn more, click here: https: //