May 2019: New module on the circular economy (SDG12)

In collaboration with UN-Environment, we are offering a new specialized module on SDG12 - focusing on the circular economy - which is available online starting this week!
Discover the testimony of Brune Poirson, Secretary of State to the Minister of Ecological and Inclusive Transition and Vice President of the United Nations Environment Assembly. The circular economy is a key concept for the development of more sustainable production and consumption. This new module aims to raise awareness and develop knowledge on the main concepts and challenges of this field.
Be part of the new testers (and ambassadors) of this 20-question module and add it to your session for FREE (by going to the "Create and Manage my Sessions/ Specialized Modules" section). You can also consult the session proposed by the French Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition until June 30 (then the results will be used in the report presented at the next High Level Political Forum at the United Nations headquarters in July). Code: ECOCIRC
Why this module is interesting:
1. It is an easy-to-use tool to raise awareness among different populations about the complex challenges addressed by SDG12.
2. This is a good conversation piece to engage people on the SDG12 agenda.
3. This is a global survey on awareness of the SDG12 / circular economy.
4. It is a collection of data, indicators and trends on these topics.
Below you will find the testimony of Nathalie Boyer - Ambassador for the circular economy at the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Solidarity and also General Delegate at OREE.
"At Orée, we have been working for more than 10 years on the change towards the circular economy, which we can no longer avoid in view of the depletion of our planetary resources. We have a systemic and multi-actor vision, which we find in Sulitest, a tool intended for higher education but also for companies. A circular economy that is no longer limited to the field of recycling and waste. But a circular economy that also creates new economic, social and environmental values, creates well-being, cohesion and jobs, and helps reduce inequalities. And this is thanks to innovative economic models at the service of a "new prosperity" for our territories: I am referring to the economy of functionality, industrial and territorial ecology and eco-design. Acculturating and advancing our society on these subjects is essential: this is why we are happy to have participated in the conception of Sulitest.
THANK YOU! We would like to thank all the experts and workshop participants who helped us develop and review the questions in this module: The Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Association Orée, University of Exeter, Delft Technical University, Vito, University of Ibadan and also ADEME, De La Salle University, Institut National de l'Economie Circulaire, and Kedge Business School!