September 2019: The Sulitest movement on the move

A new climate module for the Sulitest Quiz Successful launch of the new Sulitest climate quiz at the event organized on the campus of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the occasion of the anniversary of the adoption of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals. Nearly 300 participants were able to try out this fun version of the quiz (now available online for free).
This quiz for beginners is now complemented by an " intermediate" version . This quiz is a great way to start discussions with colleagues or to start a class with your students.
Sulitest invited to the National Assembly
Sulitest was invited to the French National Assembly to organize a quiz on the SDGs. It was a great session with our MPs!
Next steps: ask ALL MPs and their staff to participate in the Sulitest. Our elected representatives at the national level, regardless of party, need to understand the core principles of our common sustainability agenda. We thank Jennifer De Temmerman, Dominique Potier and Florence Provendier for leading the teamwork around the SDGs in the National Assembly.